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Dale O'Brien


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Dale O’Brien
P.O. Box 5787
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Email Letters

As many know, the biggest astrological organizations and websites based in the U.S. are led and made up of predominantly relatively well-off Caucasians with an unexamined "keywords" approach to astrology. The late depth psychologist, James Hillman co-wrote a 1992 book called WE'VE HAD 100 YEARS of PSYCHOTHERAPY --- AND THE WORLD IS GETTING WORSE. Perhaps you'll agree with me that the world is infinitely worse since that "Monkey" year, 1992.

Meanwhile, we've had about a half a century of modern unimaginative hearsay astrology. The world is not only getting worse, but most modern astrologers couldn't see it coming, or guide us through it. Past astrology predictions have hardly ever been fact-checked for accuracy, as American astrologers, like most ordinary Americans, tend to prefer to look forward, never looking back. Like the rest of America, astrologers, if they look at history at all, tend to embrace historical fictions that flatter well-off American Caucasians of old.

North American astrologers, if religious at all, tend to see astrology as separate from the spiritual, as if on the other side of a line of Buddhist prayer flags. Similarly, although Carl Jung told us that Soul is expressed and accessed through imagery, most modern astrologers ignore or downplay the rich imagery and mythology that is the origin and essence of astrology itself. Here's a pop quiz: What is the mythological story of the sign and constellation Pisces?

It's very easy to get conventional astrology at astrology conventions and with first page "Google" searches. If there is enough interest, even a minor interest, I'll soon be sharing an email letter, ASTROLOGY MINORITY REPORT. In such a report, expect to read an unfortunately iconoclastic look at some modern astrological assumptions, undermined by the real truth of American history, and/or contemporary reality. First up: Hidden Truth: Jupiter, Uranus and Manifest Destiny




The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane. --- Marcus Aurelius

There never was a good war or a bad peace. --- Benjamin Franklin


~ Dale O'Brien
October 2024

What's in a name? In this case, our first clues about "Helene".
(From The Nomenology Project's book: THE HIDDEN TRUTH OF YOUR NAME):

HELENE: "... ONCE ON TRACK, HELENE IS UNSTOPABLE..." "... One blaze of glory... " "... Her approach will yield her the success she is looking for fast… always charging forward to the next challenging experience..." "Financial wellbeing is important to her…" "... Life with Helene is hectic, to say the least..."

At 11:10 pm EDT on Thor's day September 26, 2024, Hurricane Helene made landfall near Perry Florida. She headed approximately N.N.E. before bizarrely taking a severe diagonal Northwest from Northeastern Georgia. Like a high-speed runaway train, She continued rapidly on this uncharacteristic straight line inland and up hills, even up mountains!

Live Map: Track the Path of Hurricane Helene/PBS News

            The physical, financial, terrestrial, animal, and human life destruction was and is profoundly devastating. Just how devastating is still unknown several days later (at this writing).  At least hundreds died; at least hundreds remain missing (now also presumed dead). Well over a million homes and businesses remain without power many days later. Entire towns were obliterated; many roads and bridges are gone. Multiple post offices in multiple counties are now unavailable to provide services, including receiving mail-in presidential election ballots.

            Astrologically, Helene's path of death and destruction about nine days after the Lunar Eclipse of September 17 in Pisces (lots of water) and more importantly about five and a half days before the Solar Eclipse of October 2nd in Air Sign Libra. As is typical, in following a Solar Eclipse, day by day (before the following Full Moon, 10/17), as Lunar light increases, more and more truth comes to light. Although this truth is relevant to other multiple important matters, the same unveiling of the facts is quite relevant to what Helene hath wrought.

            Speaking of the 10/2 Solar Eclipse, the Geodetic Map of that Eclipse shows the line of the Lunar South Node (Ketu) Setting just West and basically parallel to the hurricane's path, and Setting MOON line basically parallel just East of the hurricane's path (very near devastated Tampa Bay). As to be expected at a Solar Eclipse, the SUN Setting line is very closely geographically parallel to the Moon line (just East of it), with Black Moon Lilith also closely parallel (just East of the SUN line. Mercury Setting goes up the Atlantic side of Florida, continuing up near Savannah Georgia (and beyond).

Black Moon Lilith

ADDITIONAL CLUES from the SABIAN SYMBOLS of Helene's Arrival Chart   
(My applications to this unique situation, just some of the more obvious degree images):

  • Ascendant: Female activist speaks passionately outdoors: Helene: political extremism speaks (World Economic Forum); Helene = Kamala?
  • Jupiter (Rising): harvest festival barn dance: people swirling in circles (bodies, both dead and dying, severed heads, severed limbs tossed into trees)
  • Part of Fortune: a scientific experiment/demonstration
  • Sun and Mercury: New World Order; Great Reset
  • Mars: demanding need of handouts: To FEMA! (Confiscation of non-"preferred" brand donations; perhaps the turning in guns next, like in the aftermath of Katrina?)
  • Descendant: "Other"(i.e. the people), hopeful for food scraps
  • Saturn retrograde: "You know the drill": the repeat of Katrina disaster aftermath and Lahaina disaster aftermath policies: confiscation of land; drones and volunteers forbidden; etc. Like in the Lahina aftermath, present-day disaster, only $ 750 loans offered to those who have lost everything, and even these have been denied to some.
  • Pluto: secret businessmen's conference: Feds contract with lithium contractor for extraction of lithium in 2025, overriding locals' resistance to such an operation. Location: Kings Mountain (see below); also, extraction of purest quartz (tech devices quality)
  • Neptune: Atlantis-like technological beaming of focused energy, seen as light (See video: HELENE IN2Thin Air regarding technology steering this earthquake)
  • Lunar North Node (Rahu): Helene successful in two ways at once (perhaps election chicanery + Great Reset agenda)


            Unless you live or have lived here, or unless you have studied the history of the lands brutalized by Helene, like glib ignorant Northern or Left Coast urban snobs, you might easily dismiss these people as White Trash Hillbilly MAGA "deplorables". Worse, like them, you might even see Helene, in her manifestation as the negative shadow of Black Moon Lilith as the baby killing Bitch taking the trash out of the gene pool. (Note: FEMA refused to let a truckload of donated babies' supplies be unloaded. Tell me please: Who are the deplorable people? Who are those who slashed the tires on some fifty semi-trucks loaded with volunteered disaster relief supplies?)
           Long before do-nothing FEMA (at tax payers' expense) took over nearby still intact motels, leaving "no room at the inn" for down-on-their-luck homeless Christians, long before further away motels price-gouged $ 400 per night, long, long ago, there were different stories lived out on these lands.

            Before the white man came, these were the lands of some of the "civilized" tribes (that is, those who later adopted white man ways of dress, private property, even slave-owning). Most notable of these tribes were the Cherokee people. Their Cherokee language newspaper was a truly alternative media for the time.
            Like the present day people of these lands, and lands abroad, unfortunately the Cherokee were living atop valuable land, including in some places, atop gold (now lithium). Despite successfully legally appealing to the Supreme Court, in or around 1838, President Jackson and the Feds had them forcibly removed. About 25% of the 16,000 men women and children died heading West on the trails of tears. Once again, Helene and her handlers have ripped the Eastern end of those trails open. Today's residents of Chimney Rock, NC, no doubt some with some Cherokee blood in their veins, are forbidden to return to their own properties. They are not even lead to their own Trail of Tears. That's progress for you --- Thank a Progressive!
           As a personal aside, I have been to Cherokee land, including the Cherokee Museum in Cherokee, NC. While I was in another part of Cherokee country in North Carolina, I had the great honor to be the only white guy to be included in a sweat lodge ceremony there. When a Cherokee woman told them what I'd told her about Chiron, the men welcomed me as kindred spirit. Despite being in North Carolina's westernmost county, it seems that somehow Cherokee, NC herself was not hit as hard as other areas, including Chimney Rock.

            About 58 years prior to the trial of tears, in the American Revolutionary War battle of Kings Mountain, the character of the victorious, brave, "crude" "back-woodsmen" predominantly Scotch-Irish became legendary, earning the praise and admiration of the likes of Washington and Jefferson. They admired not just the men's bravery and effectiveness, but also their surprising intelligence and discipline. They resisted tyranny, wishing only to remain free with their homes and families, enduring the hard life living in the area required of them.

            Flash forward to the American Civil War. Unless you read David Williams' THE PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR, then you don't know that these hill people, Hill Billies and Hill Belles ("Hill-lenes", if you will) refused to fight, or have their men fight, in a war for rich slave owners. Would-be conscription officers were run out of these areas at gunpoint, knowing better than to dare try and ever come back again. That same spirit of resisting being forced from their homes, of being ordered around by the agents of rich men and self-important government men --- they'd have none of it!

Flash forward (and backward) to the Moonshine distillers (and later, even some illegal pot growers).

           The current Helene havoc is no act of Nature, some Mean Mother Nature who needs billionaires and their minions to change Her climate and enslave good people everywhere, from Backcountry to urban back alley.

           Will Backcountry past be prologue, or will the tyrants win? Stay attuned and find out,





in Astrology:
An audio interview
of Dale
by astrologer
Emily Trinkus

April 2023

Doc Chiron &
(read article here)

Nature Is Speaking
Harrison Ford is The Ocean
Conservation International (CI)



Will the Circle
Be Unbroken

Aliens Underground

When Evil Despots
Seize Power

Holy Cow

The Dark Path

2020 to 2030:The Gods vs.The God-Awful

China's Age of

Darkness Advisory

Is Past Prologue

Chironic Wisdom

Soul Healing Fiction

Pluto in Aquarius

Death in Charge

Dark Years of the Soul

Then and Now 2022

April Fool 2022

Schwab and the WEF

Holy Toledo

Chiron in Aries

Grey Lady's Pot of Gold

Rings of Fire

A Salt and Battery

California Sun vs. Neptune

The Dying Empire’s


FULL MOON 3/20/19


"Following Our Own Star: LastinHoly-Toledo Effects of Ephinany Eclipse 2019"

"Santa Susana Disaster"

"Fact Checking
Aquarius Cliches"

"Multiple Personality Order"

"August 2017 Solar Eclipse and Time-relevant Astrology
Eclipse Chart"

"Terrible, Terrorizing War-gods Street Pageant"

"His Eye is On The Sparrow"

The Monkey Speaks
His Mind

Neptune in Scorpio
Rocks The World

Typhon: Life and
Love in the
Era of the Sea Monster

"The Beginning of the Age
of the Oneness of
All Living Things"

Wishing You A Joyous
Epiphany 2013



  Copyright Chiron Soul Journey Truth 2023